AIMIS Portal Design and Development

The American Institute of Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery (AIMIS Spine) aimed at a website redesign in order to renew and solidly establish its online presence.
Within the scope of presenting a vast amount of medical information and guidance to the portal's users, as well as leading patients to the treatment and procedure fitting each unique case, we designed and developed a portal that:

• Introduces the Institute to the public and clearly communicates the benefits it provides.
• Presents medical information, including conditions, procedures, technologies and overall processes in a comprehensive and well organized manner. Information Architecture was a priority and we succeeded into putting it in full practice throughout the portal.
• Groups extensive information into meaningful and interconnected sections, achieving high usability, findability and overall user-friendliness.
• Supports user action to communication with AIMIS Spine in multiple ways, moving them through information paths to specific requests.
• Acts as the meeting point for the AIMIS Spine network and as an entrance to the Doctors area.

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